Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Fall From The Wagon

So I went home for the weekend, and in my heart I just knew something was wrong. We get home Sunday me and grandson. I took him with me so Missing Mom could work, took the baby to her father. When I spoke to her on Saturday she mentioned that the drunk family was there. I knew from that moment things would not be good. She calls me at work on Monday, telling me that she lost her job. Right away she tried to lie about why she lost her job, but I knew she was lying and confronted her about it. Yes she just never went to work! Instead she was getting HIGH! or so she says, but I believe she was drinking.
Her first thought to leave, to go to where my other daughter is and get applications for apts and jobs. I told her again I believe she needs to go to treatment. She just does not get it. So I have to prepare to take grandson away from her again, because the deal is she is here and he is here or she is gone and he stays here. I will not let him be at risk. I don't want to hold her hostage, but I am also not putting grandson at risk.
It so sad because he is so desperate for her love and attention. All he wants is for here to pay attention to her. I will pray for her to have the wisdom to do what is right.